I was recently watching an interview with amazing Seth Godin, one of the most influencial authors and entrepreneurs. I was very impressed when he said that every now and then he seeks intentionally things he was wrong about because that is the process that starts flipping your brain into different way of looking at the world. He definitely inspired me to write different kind of blogpost where I will focus more on mindset rather than fashion. Because working on myself is definitely my No 1. passion (read obsession), and I find it necessary and non negotiable in 21. century. Therefore I felt a need to write about some of my beliefs that definitely didn't serve me and were wrong for me.
1. My happiness depends on a place where I live
Last year I was holding a lecture at my home university in Belgrade about the pharmacy studies here in Germany and my experience of leaving my home country, family and friends. There were many young people sitting and listening to what I have to say because many of them still don't know whether they should leave or not, and they are in the process of making decision. What I told them is that they have to define clear reasons why would they want to leave or stay. And not just bringing decision upon bad economical circumstances, doing what majority of young people in Serbia do , or because your family thinks that is the best option for you. You need to have very deep conversation with yourself first and come out with true answers. One of the students had an interesting question after, he asked is it possible to be happy in Serbia? My answer was of course it is! You can live a happy life anywhere in this world. Don't attach your happiness to a place or people. Happiness is not defined by the place you live. However, you are the one who defines your own happiness and what is actually necessary for you to feel happy. Because the magnificent life is life on your own terms. And your terms and mine can be completely different. Therefore you need to define them.
2. Success will make me happy
Many people in this world are driven by success. They live for success, they dream about it and it's nothing wrong about it. The problem is that when they achieve that success the level of happiness and excitement lasts no longer than 24 h, or often very less. You all probably experienced that feeling. I've got it, and what now? Tony Robbins said a very wise quote : Success without fulfillment is an ultimate failure! You need to learn to enjoy in the process of this whole life journey. Because if you always wait for that moment of success to come you've missed so many days and hours of possibilities to realise the beauty of living in the moment and appreciating it. We humans consider too many things in our life, our food, place to sleep, health, family, partners. When was the last time you were grateful because you can breathe actually? Don't get blind by the shine of success, rather enjoy in the beautiful light of small moments and gratitude in a daily life..like having a morning coffee in my case :). And then when the bigger things come you will appreciate them even more and feel the fulfillment way longer. Remember to reward the effort you made, not the success.
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.
3. Overthinking about a problem will bring a solution
Like one of my favourite scientist of all time A. Einstein said : No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. As you probably all know, everything is energy, there is no such a thing like matter. We are all energy vibrating on different frequencies. And so the frequency of a problem and a solution are on a completely different levels. In order to find solution you have to raise your vibration! By that I mean, first stop overthinking and letting your mind to overwhelm you by negative thoughts. Secondly, start doing something that genuinely makes you excited and relaxed. The best ideas that pop out in our minds don't happen when you are overly stressed. They simply can't come because you are on such a low vibration and not aligned with vibration of solution.They do however come usually when you don't think about your problems, when you shower, when you read a book, play favourite sport or meditate. Then you are in a state where you can receive amazing ideas from higher consciousness.
4. The truth about my mind
I was so wrong about what human mind actually is. What I learned over the years is that your mind is not designed to make you happy, it is made to make you survive. It actually does it by constantly pointing out what can go wrong and where the possible danger can come out. As a consequence of being raised by our society and school we learned everything except of how to be happy. Therefore we are so well trained to find something negative that we can focus upon every single day. But this is not necessary anymore, because we CAN actually live without being afraid of not surviving today. Luckily evolution brought us to the point where our existence actually in 99% isn't threatened. However, evolution didn't bring us new patterns and programs of our mind. This is your task! You have to reprogram your mind and find the patterns that serve you and can make you happy. Because if you let your mind to control you, you are on a very good way to live unfulfilled and unhappy life. Remember : You are not your thoughts! You own them, and you can control them but don't identify yourself with them because you are so much more than your mind and your thoughts.
I hope this post will serve to some of you, if only one person finds it useful then my job is done :). Thank you so much for reading and if you have some doubts or things that you struggle with like I did, you can always write me on contact.happyfashionist@gmail.com, I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a blessed and beautiful evening!
Love x
Photo credits
Mathias Schacht
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